Subj : queen dead
To   : MRO
From : Charles Blackburn
Date : Sat Sep 10 2022 05:22 pm

 Re: queen dead
 By: MRO to Charles Blackburn on Sat Sep 10 2022 11:57:39

MR> worse. i'm not sure if they prove that. i'm not sure they can prove the vaccine
MR> saved lives. we just need something better than what we've got.

yea i heard on the news yesterday while driving that they pulled some 6ft long blood clots outta this poor kids legs whether that was related to him being forced to have the vaccine to attend school or not we shall never know, but holy cow!

MR> i might die of covid. i've had it twice already. I do not get sick with anything
MR> else. not for decades. I was sick last year and this year with it. that shit killed
MR> my mom and who knows if it did something to my heart or body.

yea i've had it twice and suspected once. I normally don't get sick other than the occasional head cold every now and again but the latter has been since i was a kid.

msorry to hear about your mom, i'm concerned with mine as she's in the uk, lost my dad last year to MND complicated by the rona, and she's still having her cancer treatments not long got out of surgery about 3 months ago.

so far she's doing well but with all this bs around i get worried. call her every couple of days to make sure she's ok and she has an oh shit button too that we made her have.
Charles Blackburn
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