Subj : queen dead
To   : Charles Blackburn
From : MRO
Date : Sat Sep 10 2022 11:57 am

 Re: queen dead
 By: Charles Blackburn to MRO on Fri Sep 09 2022 09:11 pm

>  MR> a lot of people that got vaccinated and then got covid anyways died.
>  MR> especially if
>  MR> they were elderly.
> oh i know... i dunno if it was the rona that caused it considering that was
> over 6 months ago, but who knows what health issues she had as well.
> Charles Blackburn
> Aviation related fun @ IPV4 and IPV6

covid does some weird shit with our hearts and with blood clots.
apparently vaccines don't escape that.  so MAYBE the vaccine would make symptoms less worse. i'm not sure if they prove that. i'm not sure they can prove the vaccine saved lives.  we just need something better than what we've got.

i might die of covid.  i've had it twice already.  I do not get sick with anything else. not for decades. I was sick last year and this year with it.  that shit killed my mom and who knows if it did something to my heart or body.

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