Subj : Re: space is fake?
To   : Irish_Monk
From : Nightfox
Date : Wed Aug 31 2022 08:44 am

 Re: Re: space is fake?
 By: Irish_Monk to Nightfox on Tue Aug 30 2022 08:26 pm

Ni>> I think all of this has been debunked before too..  One guy
Ni>> mentioned flag waving - After physically moving the flag to place it
Ni>> in the ground, yes, it's going to briefly look like it's waving.  It
Ni>> wasn't due to wind.

Ir> Yeah, I heard a little about that too, with the flag. Supposedly, we faked
Ir> it only to say we made it to the moon before the USSR or China or
Ir> whatever. Never really looked into it too much.

It just seems really unlikely to me that they'd keep such a coverup secret for the past 53 years, for such a significant event.  I'd think people would have spoken up and called out NASA on it by now if they knew it was covered up (though MRO doesn't agree).


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