Subj : space is fake?
To   : MRO
From : Nightfox
Date : Tue Aug 30 2022 02:36 pm

 Re: space is fake?
 By: MRO to all on Tue Aug 30 2022 11:43 am

MR> here's a cut from jre talking about some of the moonlanding
MR> inconsistencies


And why did you post this in Entertainment rather than General, where the thread about this has been going?
Also, that video is all pure speculation; still no proof of anything.  Just "oh, that seems weird."

I think all of this has been debunked before too..  One guy mentioned flag waving - After physically moving the flag to place it in the ground, yes, it's going to briefly look like it's waving.  It wasn't due to wind.


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