Subj : Re: Babylon 5
To   : DaiTengu
From : Nightfox
Date : Mon Aug 22 2022 03:08 pm

 Re: Re: Babylon 5
 By: DaiTengu to Nightfox on Mon Aug 22 2022 02:05 pm

Da> If you're talking about B5, I think it has the same problem that Star
Da> Trek: DS9 and Voyager have, in that practical effects were shot on 35mm,
Da> but the digital effects were done another way, and can't be upscaled. All
Da> digital effects would need to be recreated from scratch.

Yeah, I'v heard about that with the digital effects.

Also, I thought I had heard DS9 and Voyager were recorded on videotape (rather
than 35mm film), which is one of the problems with doing a HD remaster of those shows.  I heard Star Trek: TNG was filmed on 35mm film, which allowed them to more easily re-scan the negatives to 1080p, and less of TNG's effects were done digitally.

Also, from what I've heard, the reason DS9 and Voyager's digital effects would need to be re-created from scratch is that most of the original files have been lost.  If they had been saved somewhere, they'd just need to re-render the effects at a higher resolution.


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