Subj : Re: picard
To   : esc
From : Nightfox
Date : Thu Aug 18 2022 12:46 pm

 Re: Re: picard
 By: esc to MRO on Thu Aug 18 2022 11:15 am

es> neither. I didn't realize how much until you said this. They're
es> really just uninteresting, including Picard. Patrick Stewart is so old and
es> frail it kind of ... I dunno how to explain it, but in TNG Picard was such
es> a boss, and now he's a feeble old man. It kind of ruins the luster in a
es> way.

I don't mind Picard being older.  TNG was one of my favorite Star Trek shows, and with Picard it feels like being around someone you've known for a long time, and their age doesn't matter.  Same with Riker & Troi (who appeared on Picard) and the rest of the TNG characters.

es> Do you watch any of the other Star Trek shows? Isn't Discovery or
es> something one that's on now and is good? I haven't really watched anything
es> other than TNG.

It seems the majority of viewers dislike Discovery.  However, Strange New Worlds is pretty good (they wrapped up its first season several weeks ago).


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