Subj : Series reboots
To   : All
From : Moondog
Date : Sun Aug 14 2022 01:16 am

If you could reboot a movie or TV series, which would you pick and how would
you do it?

My pick is a short-lived comdeic action series from the late 80's called Hard
Time on Planet Earth.  The original series was about an alien elite military o
fficer who helped win a planetary war.  He gets in trouble leading a
rebellion against the ruling council.  Due to his recognition as a hero, his
legal counsel gets his sentenced lightened to spend hard time living on a
primitive planet (Earth) and placed in human form.  His regular form is never
showed, except he wore a full body armor and helmet.

He is a similar character to Todd, the main character in the movie Soldier in
that he was raised and bred for war.  He is smart, though, and learn by
watching television shows how to interact with other humans.  He has a
compnaion, a small robot known as Control.  It's part parole officer and
assist him in acquiring knowledge.  It hovers, and can become invisible.  It
can tap into electrical and data systems to help get around his lack of a
paper trail.  From here the show is basically the lone drifter that gets
hooked into defending the weak from the strong or brutal elements.  He has
made enemies in the past, and must keep a low profile because he lacks the
weapons and armor to fight them.

In my remake, Jesse would've always had human form, except he and his troops are
told they were genetically engineered to be warriors.  The host species that
kidnapped them from Earth as children and trained them would be portrayed as
a more frail hominid form which looks like it could be related to humans, but
not as robust (hence their choice to exploit humans in a proxy war.)

The series would begin with a battlefield scene where Jesse and his troops in
battle armor breach the door of an enemy bunker, and dispatch the reptillian
soldiers manning the controls.  They blow the main control systems, which
disables the enemy's technical assets.  The other "enhanced" soldiers clean
up the battlefield with little effort.  This establishes Jesse as a hero of
the Republic, and he is given the right to full citizenship.  The public
accepts his difference in appearance under the guise he is genetically
enhanced.  Due to his inability to adjust to the alien civillian life, within
a month this decorated hero is living on the streets and getting into

The military intelligence group which knows the secret about the "enhanced"
soldiers sees this as a larger problem as they decommission other humans troop
s that were raised outside their social system.  Rather than euthanize these
"heroes," they plan to return them to Earth in a way that would not reveal
they were pawns in a proxy war.  They convince Jesse he will be sent on a
deep cover recon mission for the Republic on a less developed planet.  His
enhancements will help him blend in with the planet's inhabitants.  The
officer who recomended this project also gets assigned, and is cosmetically
altered so he can pass as an acceptable, but scrawny example of a human.

Since Earth is outside the realm of treatied planets, the reptillian species
has spies reporting of this scouting mission to Earth.  They suspect it is
more than what is stated, and want to get their hands on an "enhanced"
soldier without intruding on Republic soil.  They send "skin jobs," special
infiltrator troops wearing skin suits to make them look human, to track down J
esse and bring him back dead or alive for study.

Right off the bat, I expect to have Jesse to begin putting the pieces
together as to what is going on.  He is quite clever, and can see through a
snow job.  As he tries to assimilate into human culture, he has PTSD to deal
with.  He finds comfort in a veteran's group, listening to other vets working
out their problems.  He would mention from time to time a battle he was at,
and the names of the alien locations could easily pass for somewhere in Iraq or
Afghanistan.  He is also working day jobs doing landscaping or other physical
labor.  The alien officer who accompanies him tries to stay out of the
public, although he tries to supplment their income by working from the motor
home they purchased with gold they were issued to establish currency with.

One of Jesse's employers notices his skillset is much more tactically
oriented after a group of thugs attempt to rough up Jesse, and offers him
jobs that pay well, but are less than legitimate.  This does not bode well
with his parole officer, even though he tries to explain this is an
opportunity to explore the seedier aspects of human society.

That is an outline of what will be covered.  Alien assassins, exposing his
origins, morality and work ethics, and possibly flashbacks to when he was a
child and possibly finding his family.  There might even be a sub plot of gove
rnment catching attention to him and his parole officer, and possible
assassination attempts by the Republic.

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