Subj : Re: Babylon 5
To   : Nightfox
From : esc
Date : Mon Aug 08 2022 01:46 am

Ni> I'm curious why you now tend to prefer the narrative across multiple
Ni> episodes these days?  It seems like almost all TV shows are done that
Ni> way now, which I don't really mind, but I miss shows where each episode
Ni> is its own story.  These days, the story pretty much spans a whole
Ni> season of a TV show, so if there are 10 episodes, it's basically a
Ni> 10-hour movie.  I feel like it all blends together, and later, if I want
Ni> to go back and watch an episode where something happened, it's harder to
Ni> remember which episode that was.

I prefer to immerse myself in the storyline and lore and watch characters develop over time. I find the self contained episode thing to make very formulaic stories. Not that that's bad, necessarily, just not what I am into these days.

Ni> Also, sometimes I just like being able to just pick any episode and
Ni> watch it without needing the context of the previous episodes.

My first Chrome extension was one to randomize episodes of shows on Netflix :P so there is a world where people dig that!

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