Subj : westworld
From : Dumas Walker
Date : Sun Jul 24 2022 10:36 am

>  > There was a spin-off show of one of them (Arrow or Flash) that was about a
>  > guy who used his space-ship to travel through time.  That one was ok at
>  > first, too, but I think it got cancelled?  What I thought was funny about
>  > it was that the main character (the time traveler) was played by an actor
>  > who had recently finished a stint as one of Dr. Who's companions.  :)
>  >
> Are you referring to Legends of Tomorrow?  I took that show as being an attemp
> t to cash in on the Avengers.  All the characters are secondary characters on
> their own that come from one franchise or another.

Yes, that is it.  Maybe they were trying to cash in on the Avengers.  It
reminded me a little more of Guardians of the Galaxy, minus the talking

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