Subj : Highly profitable
To   : Kaelon
From : Nightfox
Date : Tue Jul 19 2022 05:02 pm

 Re: "Highly profitable" Bay S
 By: Kaelon to Dumas Walker on Tue Jul 19 2022 04:49 pm

Ka> As others have mentioned here, I should retract my advice and instead
Ka> recommend MakeMKV, which has the ability to rip the audio and video
Ka> streams and completely disregard whatever encryption keys are in store. I
Ka> had completely spaced on this, probably because it is primarily a
Ka> command-line Linux application, but I believe there are GUI and
Ka> Windows/macOS branches of MakeMKV that should work just fine these days.

There is a GUI version of MakeMKV for Linux..  I didn't even know there was a command-line version..?


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