Subj : Highly profitable
To   : Kaelon
From : Boraxman
Date : Mon Jul 18 2022 08:42 am

 Re: "Highly profitable" Bay S
 By: Kaelon to Moondog on Sat Jul 16 2022 06:51 pm

> I guess the phrase you used earlier - "if kept properly" - rings true here.
> Everything from file format to readable / extractable software looms large
> in this digital world.  (Similar note, so many fellow historians tell me
> what a nightmare we are in terms of primary source documents.  Better to
> print everything out, they say, than to bank on any of these digital formats
> making it to the next generational archiving.)
> _____
The only reliable way I've kept my data, is to make multiple copies, on multiple media, and migrate it to newer formats every so often.

Even then things go missing...

So much data has already been lost.  Think of the early internet, how much of that is still around? does a decent job, but good like finding some sites from the late 90's.

I think we are in a new digital 'dark age'.  In later years, people will look back and find most of the information we were looking at, just not there.  Most of what was on Social Media will just be gone.  Even now, you can read a news article online which isn't that old, which links to a tweet, and that tweet is gone.

Then add to that peoples poor data handling, people losing their digital data when they migrate from one phone to another, or one computer to another, or losing everything when that hard drive they had their data on goes and there is no backup.  We have 'cloud' services, but will they hang forever?

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