Subj : Highly profitable
To   : Arelor
From : Kaelon
Date : Sat Jul 16 2022 06:21 pm

 Re: "Highly profitable" Bay Street Video store n Toronto thrives
 By: Arelor to Kaelon on Sat Jul 16 2022 12:26 pm

> Your regular IT Microchiphead has the discipline required to sotre
> everything in a NAS and take the necessary steps to make sure the data will
> last as long as the IT Microchiphead.
> Most people does not have the discipline required.
> Meanwhile, a commercial DVD is likely to work for long without any special
> attention as long as you keep a functioning DVD appliance around. Most
> digital iliterates understand that concept, and that is why comercial disks
> are a better aproach for them.
> I agree that a movie has better chances of surviving half a century if it is
> stored in a SAN cluster, equiped with a tape robot and with regular
> integrity checks running in the background. However, good luck making
> regular people set that up...

I don't disagree that for -archival- purposes, optical disc formats probably have a longer staying power than properly configured RAID arrays on NAS devices.  But from a utility perspective, optical media is still a pain in the ass.  If we're concerned about people not knowing how to manage entire ecosystems, then at least give people movies on SSD or USB drives that can interface seamlessly with most TVs.  Many modern TV's have built-in decoders, whereas optical readers (DVD players and Blu-Ray players) continue to support the nonsense of "region codes," and other such proprietary flotsam.
-=: Kaelon :=-

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