Subj : Highly profitable
To   : Kaelon
From : Nightfox
Date : Sat Jul 16 2022 04:09 pm

 Re: "Highly profitable" Bay Street Video store n Toronto thrives
 By: Kaelon to Nightfox on Sat Jul 16 2022 09:21 am

Ka> I don't disagree. But do we need to preserve optical formats with their
Ka> limited storage capacity? Why not just all invest in cheap storage and set
Ka> up NAS devices. QNAP has some great models, and that's what I've done -
Ka> ripping all of my personal movies so that I don't have to insert discs
Ka> anymore, and I just stream it on my own home network. No Internet needed.
Ka> ;)

I agree.  And after a while, when optical disc formats started to decline, I wondered if they'd start selling movies on USB flash drives instead.  But of course, that hasn't happened..  They still want to be able to control how we watch the content and try to prevent people from making copies of it.

I've ripped some of my movies - Not all, but some, and put them on my Plex media server.  Eventually, I think it would probably be good to just rip them all and buy a USB hard drive to back them up onto.


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