Subj : Highly profitable
To   : Moondog
From : Andeddu
Date : Fri Jul 15 2022 02:58 pm

 Re: "Highly profitable" Bay S
 By: Moondog to MRO on Fri Jul 15 2022 02:25 am

> Some films or shows I like to collect because they are not available online
> or demand you to pay for each episode.  I don't like the idea of "buying" a
> virtual copy, then have the service go out of business or pull that tile
> from it's library.
> On VHS I have the original Star Wars trilogy from before Lucas
> digitally "enhanced" the series, and did stupid things like making Greedo
> shoot first.

I had hundreds of VHS tapes but they all went into the trash because there was
no way to really use them now that video recorders are completely archaic and
rare to see. I cannot remember how long it has been since I saw an old VHS
recorder. The one my parents had was put into storage but eventually disposed
of because we had amassed a huge DVD collection. I now see that DVDs are going
the same way as VHS tapes. I have limited room so I am unable to have too many
vintage devices around. It's a shame because I would love to preserve some more
old tech.

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