Subj : Highly profitable
To   : Digital Man
From : Nightfox
Date : Wed Jul 13 2022 04:57 pm

 Re: "Highly profitable" Bay Street Video store n Toronto thrives
 By: Digital Man to Nightfox on Wed Jul 13 2022 04:30 pm

DM> We used to (especially in the early part of the century) buy at least 2-4
DM> DVDs a month *and* pay for DirecTV (at $100+ a month), so we pay far less
DM> now and have way more content to choose from.

Makes sense.
I don't watch a whole lot of TV..  I don't have cable or any other type of premium TV, and the only streaming service I have is Amazon Prime - And I rarely watch anything there.  When I do watch something, it's often something on OTA broadcast TV.  Premium TV service and streaming services have so much content, and I don't really feel like watching TV enough for me to get my money's worth from them.  Without the TV subscriptions, I suppose I can more easily buy an occasional movie or TV show (on optical disc or whatever).  I haven't been buying content very often either - only when something comes out that I really want, which has been sporadic.


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