Subj : Highly profitable
To   : Digital Man
From : Nightfox
Date : Wed Jul 13 2022 03:32 pm

 Re: "Highly profitable" Bay Street Video store n Toronto thrives
 By: Digital Man to MRO on Wed Jul 13 2022 02:23 pm

>> we are 100% streaming at this house. youtube, netflix, slingtv with
>> all that stuff.  it's working out great.

DM> We are too. I went through all the trouble of getting an HDTV antenna
DM> mounted on the roof with an HDHomeRun to record OTA content (for my "Plex
DM> DVR"), but nobody here ever watched any of the live or recorded content.
DM> If we want to watch something that was on OTA/network TV (e.g. SNL), we
DM> end up streaming it from some service anyway.

Some of those shows on OTA TV, I'm not sure is available elsewhere.  Sometimes I like to watch Jeopardy, Family Feud, local news, etc., which is available on OTA, but is that stuff on any online streaming service?

Another thing is that I feel like there are many separate streaming services now, and if I have to pay around $6 for each service, that adds up.  If there's only one show I'd watch on their service, I'm not sure if it would be really worth it.

DM> I still have all the CDs and DVDs, but have stopped accumulating. Yeah,
DM> there is a weird human instinct to hold on to things that have no
DM> obvious/immediate use any longer and I'm sure eventually they'll get
DM> donated or trashed. But man, the $$$ we spent on those discs is pretty
DM> baffling.

I wonder how that compares to the cost of monthly subscriptions for streaming services you'd pay each month.


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