Subj : Highly profitable
To   : Kaelon
From : Nightfox
Date : Tue Jul 12 2022 09:09 am

 Re: "Highly profitable" Bay Street Video store n Toronto thrives
 By: Kaelon to Nightfox on Mon Jul 11 2022 06:04 pm

Ka> That said, it's good that Blu-Ray won the format wars. Sony created a
Ka> superior format in every way. HD-DVD could support a maximum of 30GB of
Ka> data, whereas Blu-Ray supported over 50GB. The maximum bitrate of both
Ka> formats is substantially different, as well, with HD-DVD capping out at
Ka> around 29-35 Mbit/s, and Blu-Ray supporting between 40 and 53 Mbit/s.

Yeah, I remember reading about that.  I agree it's good that blu-ray won that format war.

Ka> The world is a better place because Blu-Ray won the format wars. But
Ka> optical storage is now, largely, unnecessary given the ubiquity of fiber
Ka> optic home internet service.

I'm not sure I'd call optical formats unnecessary..  You can't always rely on your internet always working 100%, and same for a streaming service.  Streaming services randomly pull content from their services too, so you can't even rely on something always being available to watch there.  Those are a few of the reasons I still like to buy movies on physical formats.


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