Subj : Highly profitable
To   : Arelor
From : Kaelon
Date : Mon Jul 04 2022 12:05 pm

 Re: "Highly profitable" Bay Street Video store n Toronto thrives
 By: Arelor to Nightfox on Fri Jun 24 2022 03:43 am

> They botched the Blu-ray release process too much at the begining and now I
> don't care enough to jump ship. Certainly I don't have the motivation to
> upgrade my readers and appliances of optical media, specially if I indend to
> watch the movies on an old second hand TV set where the difference in
> quality is not going to be appreciated.

I would argue that the second major format wars (the first behing VHS vs. Betamax, with Betamax being technically superior and unfortunately the loser) resulted in a pretty conclusive victory for the technically superior Blu-Ray over the craven proprietary HD-DVD format from Microsoft.  Sony's triumph was pretty much complete by the mid 2000s.

That said, I would agree that if you haven't already invested in optical appliances, you've probably already missed the boat on 1080p and even 4K discs. And there's really no reason for this.  You can invest in the digital format, and just skip optical media altogether.  And this need not be streaming; you can download, save to cheap disk storage, and just watch on demand and push out to your devices using a super cheap "smart" video dongle like Fire TV or Google TV, or my preference, an Apple TV system.
-=: Kaelon :=-

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