Subj : voter fraud
From : Dumas Walker
Date : Mon Feb 19 2024 08:46 am

>  > So, yeah, they don't want to solve whatever the issue is that causes it to
>  > be more difficult to get proper ID.  They want to be lazy and just not
>  > require IDs to vote (even though they are required for a ton of other
>  > stuff that people need to do), plus that gives them something to keep
>  > complaining about without rather than fixing it.

> Who is 'they'?  It sounds like you are talking about the boogie man.

You cut out the part I was responding to.  Who "they" are was contained in
that part.  Maybe you are just too dumb to understand context but, in this
case, "they" are the Democrats who make all of the arguments about why it
is supposedly so difficult to get an ID, and "they" do exist because "they"
complain about that same damn thing every time anyone mentions that you
should be able to produce a proper ID in order to vote.

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