Subj : voter fraud
From : Dumas Walker
Date : Sun Feb 18 2024 10:50 am

> Okay, if that's the case then **why** are the turnouts lower for non-whites? W
> t causes them to not show up when such laws are strict? Find the answer to tha
> and you have the real reason turnouts are lower in stricter voter ID law areas
> Solve that problem and there ya go, turnouts should go back to normal.

Here they usually point out that it is more difficult for non-whites to get
proper ID due to the areas they live in.  Unless they live in the middle of
nowhere, it is the urban areas where it is easier to get the new "Real IDs"

So, yeah, they don't want to solve whatever the issue is that causes it to
be more difficult to get proper ID.  They want to be lazy and just not
require IDs to vote (even though they are required for a ton of other
stuff that people need to do), plus that gives them something to keep
complaining about without rather than fixing it.

* SLMR 2.1a * We need change: Lenin 1917, Hitler 1936, Clinton 2016

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