Subj : Re: what if biden dies
To   : Gamgee
From : Dr. What
Date : Mon Dec 04 2023 07:19 am

-=> Gamgee wrote to Dr. What <=-

DW> Says the person who believed the whole mask up, close down and
DW> get the jab Narrative which has been proven to be false.

Ga> What makes you think that?

Because you keep quoting the rest of the false Narrative.

Ga> In fact I'm just the opposite of ALL of
Ga> those idiotic claims.  More proof that you're a moron.

People who live in glass houses...

Ga> Okay, more confirmation of nut-job status.

Yes, it does confirm you are a nut job.

Ga> Keep your BS where it belongs.  Up your as$.

And I win the argument.

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