Subj : some smart experts who sa
To   : Dumas Walker
From : Hustler
Date : Sun Dec 03 2023 09:59 am

 Re: some smart experts who sa
 By: Dumas Walker to HUSTLER on Thu Nov 30 2023 01:25 pm

Hu>> What do you mean by "made nursing homes toxic"?

DW> In the case of Michigan and New York and some other states, COVID patients
DW> were put in nursing homes on purpose. They claimed that the COVID wards

Yes. Nursing homes in New York are a travesty. The system is flawed and a money pool for corrupt politians and the people that own and run them. They are a medicaid funded money pit. If I had my way I'd close them all down and start a new system that acually works. But that's just me.
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