Subj : some smart experts who sa
To   : Dumas Walker
From : Dr. What
Date : Mon Nov 27 2023 08:09 am

-=> Dumas Walker wrote to OGG <=-

DW> Here they were cancelling surgeries and appointments unless they were
DW> of absolute necessity (i.e. life and death).

Causing people to get late treatment for things like cancer - which greatly
shortened their life span.  I wonder how many of these people died "from COVID"
just because they couldn't get in to treat their completely unrelated condition

DW> There were a lot of
DW> people who kept traveling when they really did not need to, either
DW> because they could not stand being alone or because they didn't believe
DW> anything was wrong.

Because the only thing that was wrong was the Narrative pushed by the Elitists.

... What was the best thing BEFORE sliced bread?
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