Subj : some smart experts who sa
To   : OGG
From : Dumas Walker
Date : Sun Nov 26 2023 02:14 pm

> Couldn't have worked anyway. People would be in different
> stages of needing supplies/groceries, even scheduled surgeries/
> appointments.  In other words.. people would still need to
> travel for one thing or another.  Even the shipping/trucking
> industry couldn't just "stop" without causing shortages of
> things everywhere.

Here they were cancelling surgeries and appointments unless they were of
absolute necessity (i.e. life and death).  There were a lot of people who
kept traveling when they really did not need to, either because they could
not stand being alone or because they didn't believe anything was wrong.

* SLMR 2.1a * One good turn gets all the blankets.

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