Subj : what if biden dies
To   : Ogg
From : MRO
Date : Sun Nov 26 2023 07:23 am

 Re: what if biden dies
 By: Ogg to Arelor on Sat Nov 25 2023 08:53 pm

>  >> Increase in food prices and a housing crisis is the same in
>  >> many countries despite who the leaders are.
>  A> Maybe. Blame Nixon for dropping the gold standard, I guess.
> that was a odd one.  that allowed banks to literally print
> money they do not have.

once they did that, they took away the power from the people.
we dont even know whats in fort knox. supposed to be 8k metric tons of gold.  it could just be elephant shit in garbage bags for all we know.
the us dollar is not backed by anything physical. it only means something because we say so.

> depends on how long the new or current administration is in
> power. it would be hard for newly elected leadership to deal
> with a previous government's mistakes quickly.

in the usa trump wrote a bunch of executive orders. that's how a president gets things done quickly.  then when biden took over they gave him a big stack of black envelopes and he undid them all.  he didnt even know what he was signing away.
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