Subj : Re: what if biden dies
To   : MRO
From : Dr. What
Date : Fri Nov 24 2023 07:31 am

-=> MRO wrote to Dr. What <=-

MR> everything people did failed too.  we all went to home depot and
MR> walmart 500% more.

You are assuming that the gov't Narrative was correct.  It wasn't.

MR> if we would have eliminated international travel it would have made a
MR> huge difference.

No it wouldn't have.

MR> That being said people were traveling all over to other states and
MR> spreading it.

Spreading a disease that was so bad that you needed to be tested to see if you
had it.  A disease with a 98% recovery rate.

MR> we basically have no plan in place to stop the spread of a contagious
MR> disease. we still do not.

That's because we don't need it and never did.

MR> there were some smart experts who said right away that peopel should
MR> all stick at home for 2 weeks and have covid starve out.  then spend
MR> money on sending people covid tests and do contact tracing.  they were
MR> canceled. ---

Many actual experts were canceled.  More proof of how the gov't Narrative was

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