Subj : Re: what if biden dies
To   : paulie420
From : MRO
Date : Mon Nov 20 2023 10:53 pm

 Re: Re: what if biden dies
 By: paulie420 to MRO on Mon Nov 20 2023 07:15 pm

> And I wish Amerikkka would see that Trump was a joke the 1st time - and
> really isn't a great choice now. He's going to come in hot and heavy and
> give it 111% the entire 4 years - he's going to press things in ways we've
> never seen and if I were in his position I would too - but it isn't going to
> be great for America.

Actually I was surprised about what a great job he did.  He was an outsider and made great improvements.  his problem was his mouth.  he trolled his way to the white house and he continued to troll.   now he's different.  he's cooled his jets while destroying his enemies since he lost the election.  He literally does not stop.  He has been traveling just about every week making sure his enemies do not get re-elected and it's working.

Trump showed that an outsider can do a much better job than career politicians.
He did what obama thought was impossible, more than once.

Trump knows how to deal with people and he knows how to run the country.
We had no wars under trump.  With everyone else we had wars.

Furthermore, trump exposed how the media controls us and how pharm companies buy our politicians.  he literally called people out about it to their face while standing infront of thousands.

Dude's a force of nature.  He doesn't drink or smoke.  he sleeps a few hrs a night and eats junk food all day.  Trump terrifies his enemies.
They can't even shut up about him after he is gone.  He's dancing around in their heads to this day.

Not only that, Trump is the most tech savvy president EVER.  Dude had burner phones to get on twitter after they took his phone away.  Biden has like 5 people who have been named who post as him on social media. With Trump, that was that motherfucker doing it all.

I don't even believe obama and his 'I can't live without my blackberry' story.

Right now polls show that trump has great numbers.  Nobody is happy with biden.
We really don't have anybody else that are good candidates for the next election.

I think our entire system needs to be gutted and redone. we need term limits for all positions in the govt.  There's a lot of corruption.  People that make 125-150k a year are fucking multimillionares.

I think we should take all the politicians and hang them.  They're total garbage.
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