Subj : Russia's Defeat
To   : Arelor
From : Kaelon
Date : Mon Jul 31 2023 07:55 am

 Re: Russia's Defeat
 By: Arelor to Kaelon on Sun Jul 30 2023 03:26 pm

> Europe has a bad track record when it comes to supporting members of the
> Union.Everything is songs and parties and praises to the big European family
> until
> something like the 2008 crisis hits and then it is everybody on his own.

The European Union is a problematic experiment, not least of which is the bureaucratic engine that its member-states really only half-heartedly support. Given the United Kingdom's withdrawal, and the looming rebellions in Eastern Europe (and a not-inconsequential rise of the Far Right in the Mediterranean, especially your native - and my homeland - of Spain), I think the future for the EU political bloc is grim.

NATO, on the other hand, has been an enduring tool that has prevented the Continent from descending back into open warfare many times, and it is part of the central compact between the United States and Europe.  The U.S. manages security and defense, and European states ensure there is an economic pay-for-play to keep the engine running.  Russia single-handedly revitalized the centrality of this exchange, and given the Five Eyes (Japan, South Korea, New Zealand, Philippines, and Australia) likely will join NATO in the next 36 months, it's probably going to remain the governing global security force of our lifetimes.

European competition and collaboration, on the other hand, which you cite often, is a tremendous asset. While the United States has benefitted from its laboratories of democracy in its federalist system, Europe has benefitted tremendously from nation-state-hood and the increasing hyper-competition among the states that only infrequently turns deadly.

There's a lesson in there for both the U.S. and Europe; together, we can drive different forms of competition to ensure Western Civilization continues to dominate the planet for the undeniable future to come.
-=: Kaelon :=-

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