Subj : Re: Russia's Defeat
To   : Arelor
From : hollowone
Date : Sun Jul 30 2023 11:53 pm

Ar> Europe has a bad track record when it comes to supporting members of the
Ar> Union.Everything is songs and parties and praises to the big European
Ar> family until
Ar> something like the 2008 crisis hits and then it is everybody on his own.
Ar> Greezeis an example people likes to bring to the table.

Agreed, that's why UK left at the end as well.
And that's why I'm happy to see that with this conflict in Ukraine, Uncle Sam came back to the old continent showing who's the boss.

EU led by Germany and France has no strategy other than to become a Rome like Rome was just before Huns raided it.... a land of pleasure and prosperity created in a bubble of assumptions that there is no threat around it and everybody just wants to trade and it can benefit from it..

nothing more wrong to assume, if you learn history. That's why I strongly believe that EU will eventually collapse in this century, it's just it cannot do so in uncontrolled way and not without something that secures economic integrity of major players.. otherwise EU will have civil war motivated exactly by the same attitude like 2008's "me first, then the union, fuck greece.. we'll buy greece later"


... Xerox Alto was the thing. Anything after we use is just a mere copy.