Subj : Re: Russia's Defeat
To   : Kaelon
From : hollowone
Date : Sun Jul 30 2023 11:47 pm

Ka> Now that Russia is certainly not ascendant, and
Ka> China's future becomes increasingly cloudy, I think we're in store for
Ka> some very interesting and scary times. _____

Agreed with all but Belarus. Huge chance that of course that Union will happen as some shallow warranty that Putin/Russia owns it. But...

I still give them a fair chance to rebel.. and once that happens, Ukraine shows there may be allies with supplies at least.

For the scary times.. well to some degree yes, but also it's already known to past generations what's gonna happen and western world lived through it in prosperity.. it was called Cold War and stood still for 40 years, until USSR collapsed.

I think that the current cold war will not be any different.
Constant provocations to no real outcome and the West (USA/EU/JP/AU) will just isolate and create independence of Chinese supply chain and Russian fossils.. until the latter discover that they are still in XX century while other countries are already set for XXII - civilization wise.

Alternative reality is.. that by the end of this century, our grand kids learn Chinese as a second language, just like today English is taught in non-english speaking countries.


... Xerox Alto was the thing. Anything after we use is just a mere copy.