Subj : Re: Y'all or Ya'll?
To   : MRO
From : The Lizard Master
Date : Tue Jul 25 2023 04:18 pm

 Re: Re: Y'all or Ya'll?
 By: MRO to The Lizard Master on Tue Jul 25 2023 10:34 am

>  > Ton of reasons, you are paying back that loan with after tax dollars so
>  > you completely wipe out and lose out on probably the single biggest
>  > benefit of pretax dollars. Also if you have to take a loan out for a
>  > vacation from your retirement you are also probably more likely to
>  > default on yourself. It also depends on you keeping you current employer,
>  > you get fired you need to pay that back immediately.
> i think you don't know much about the subject and you are jumping to extreme
> conclusions.  they will not let you take out a loan you can't pay off. there
> has to be some there to cover it.

It's not a sound financial decision especially for a vacation. Others here have stated more reasons as to why.

> that's your opinion.  you've never done it, though.

Sure. I don't plan on it because objectively I don't think it's a good idea though. It's not like saying "I've never tried BBQ sauce, but I don't like it."


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