Subj : Re: Y'all or Ya'll?
To   : Ewing
From : Nightfox
Date : Tue Jul 25 2023 04:04 pm

 Re: Re: Y'all or Ya'll?
 By: Ewing to Nightfox on Wed Jul 26 2023 08:15 am

Ni>> I really had never heard of people taking loans for vacations until this
Ni>> came up here recently. I've never known anyone to say they've done that.

Ew> I know plenty of people who have. Whether that be an outright loan, or
Ew> redrawing from your mortgage.

Ew> I personally haven't but to me it seems like it might be a better option
Ew> than putting a $10k vacation on your credit card at 21% APR when you can't
Ew> pay it back within the interest free period and people generally seem to
Ew> have no qualms about doing that.

I've never put that much on a credit card for a vacation..  Any vacation I've taken, I've saved up for it beforehand.


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