Subj : Re: Y'all or Ya'll?
To   : Gamgee
From : Margaerynne
Date : Mon Jul 24 2023 07:12 pm

 Re: Re: Y'all or Ya'll?
 By: Gamgee to Nightfox on Wed Jul 19 2023 09:13 pm

> I think that's all correct.  It's also a sign of those countries being
> much more receptive to the ideas/beliefs of socialism, which is
> generally not very well received here in the USA.  Independence,
> freedom, and small government / small taxes are sort of a fundamental
> thing in America, and have been since ....  1776.  ;-)

A communal mindset isn't only present in socialism.

Americans used to be very community-minded and eager to participate in civic life.
After all, why wouldn't you want your neighborhood to flourish? Why wouldn't you want
the best for the schools that educate your children, the city that they live in, and
the state they claim as their home?

People didn't join fraternities, industry-specific credit unions, and neighborhood councils
because they were stupid or communists -- they joined because, as in 1776, it makes the most
sense to join with people like you.

Hell, even the titans of industry collaborated and colluded all the time.
It's the most American thing there is, all the way back to "Join or Die".

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