Subj : Re: Y'all or Ya'll?
To   : MRO
From : Dr. What
Date : Sat Jul 22 2023 08:20 am

-=> MRO wrote to Arelor <=-

MR> i don't really see 3k as a lot of money.  vacations are something you
MR> only do once in a while so why not be comfortable.  otherwise, stay
MR> home.

It's not the amount.  It's the prioritization.

Taking out a 3K loan to get a new roof on your house is good prioritization.
Taking out a 3K loan for a vacation is bad prioritization.

Now, there's probably some edge cases to think of (like taking a big family
vacation because it's the last time some of these relatives will be alive) is
probably a good thing.  But vacations are nice-to-haves and, really, you should
only take if you have the funds available.

People who take out loans for vacations are, for the most part,:
1. poor planners
2. have their priorities completely messed up

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