Subj : Re: Y'all or Ya'll?
To   : MRO
From : The Lizard Master
Date : Thu Jul 20 2023 03:58 pm

 Re: Re: Y'all or Ya'll?
 By: MRO to The Lizard Master on Thu Jul 20 2023 05:51 am

>  >  >  > The useless degree argument is a little bit of a red herring on
>  >  >  > multiple levels, including this one. It's a scape goat to blame
>  >  >  > this mess on.
>  >  > how is it misleading?
>  > Because the problem doesn't stem from people who racked up 50k debt for a
>  > gender studies program and now are expecting a bail out.
> yes, but isn't that what is happening? I know a lot of people that got
> degrees with no future.  and biden spoke up and had them believing it would
> be forgiven.
> where do you think it stems from?

It has a lot of levels. Interest rates were completely unreasonable right out of the gate. The governement was making money on this and was borrowed against. As people here have been saying, the overall cost of education have just gone up too much as well. Having an 18 year old take on such debt at high rates is just a dumb idea. The useless degree thing is just an attack line diversion. It's easy to blame it on the one person wanting their debt cleared because they were stupid, but there were more people just trying to get the American dream.


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