Subj : Re: Y'all or Ya'll?
To   : The Lizard Master
From : Dr. What
Date : Thu Jul 20 2023 07:22 am

-=> The Lizard Master wrote to Nightfox <=-

TLM> The useless degree argument is a little bit of a red herring on
TLM> multiple levels, including this one. It's a scape goat to blame this
TLM> mess on.

You're partly right.  The useless degree argument is not a red herring, but
it's part of a bigger problem.

1. Students choose useless degrees to get.
2. Colleges, and other Elitists, constantly push the idea that you need "a
degree" to succeed.  The reality is that you don't **need** a degree and if you
think you do, you need a useful one.  And for some colleges, even the useful
degrees have become so watered down that they are effectively useless.
3. High school students didn't do a simple cost/benefit analysis before
choosing to go to college and choosing their degree.

Back in ancient times (i.e. Before Internet), the resources existed to
1. Get information about degrees - what jobs wanted them and how much those
jobs paid.
2. See what it would cost to get that degree.

It was pretty easy for me to choose my major seeing that my salary from my
first year of work, even at entry level, would pay for all my college - tuition
plus room and board.

And today, with the Internet, those resources are really easy to get access to.

Today, though, if students did a cost/benefit analysis on a college education
they'd never go.  So the Elitists have a vested interest in discouraging that.

... Hot water Heaters:  hot water needs heating?
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