Subj : Re: Y'all or Ya'll?
To   : Nightfox
From : Gamgee
Date : Wed Jul 19 2023 06:42 pm

-=> Nightfox wrote to Gamgee <=-

Ga> degrees that are offered, I'm not making those terms up. Even things
Ga> like "Philosophy" or "Art history" are in the same category. What
Ga> sensible person thinks that one of those degrees is going to ever
Ga> provide them with valuable job prospects? The school doesn't care,
Ga> because those students are lining their pockets just the same as the
Ga> "real" students are. Shameless harvesting of money, and guaranteed
Ga> long-term debt are the motivation for, and the result of, these stupid
Ga> "degrees". Pisses me off.

Ni> I could see someone with an art history degree working at an art
Ni> museum (such as the Louvre and such), but yeah, I've heard of

Sure, that's reasonable, but there just aren't very many job openings in
such a field.  A new graduate with that degree has virtually NO CHANCE
at getting employed for that.

Ni> such college degrees that aren't likely to have good job
Ni> prospects.  I think "general studies" is another one I've seen.
Ni> If someone wants to major in something like that, to better
Ni> themselves or something, it probably makes more sense to pay
Ni> their own money or don't major in it if they can't afford it.

Absolutely.  Or spend that money (of their own) on a vocational / trade
school of some kind.  Often times those type of jobs pay better than a
traditional "degree required" job, these days.

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