Subj : Re: Y'all or Ya'll?
To   : Gamgee
From : Nightfox
Date : Wed Jul 19 2023 01:44 pm

 Re: Re: Y'all or Ya'll?
 By: Gamgee to Dumas Walker on Tue Jul 18 2023 08:23 pm

>> politician, or political party, thinks it is my responsibility to
>> help them
>> pay it off. :(

Ga> It's one of the most aggravating of current events that I can think of.
Ga> Absolutely infuriates me. There is no valid or justifiable reason to be
Ga> doing it, other than a political stunt to win the votes of said students
Ga> (and/or their parents). That's all it is.

I've wondered about this, and I think one of the factors about this is whether the society is more individualistic or group-oriented.  People in the US tend to be more individualistic, so it makes sense that the thought process for many people in the US would be "I shouldn't have to pay for other students, and if they want to be successful, they need to pay for it themselves".  In other countries that make college tuition inexpensive or free, I've wondered if it's because of a more collectivist mindset - Perhaps their government wants to have a strong economy by having an educated workforce, so they want to do what they can to make a higher education attainable for many of its citizens.


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