Subj : Re: Y'all or Ya'll?
To   : Dumas Walker
From : Nightfox
Date : Wed Jul 19 2023 01:39 pm

 Re: Re: Y'all or Ya'll?
 By: Dumas Walker to GAMGEE on Tue Jul 18 2023 04:49 pm

DW> Maybe it should not be the loan company but maybe the college. I don't
DW> know, it just seems like a lot of this could have been avoided if people
DW> were not allowed to get a useless degree that they were not going to
DW> parlay into something else (like Poly-Sci to go to Law School, or English
DW> to go to Education School, etc.).

A college is basically in the business of selling a product, which is education and training.  I doubt they'd want to be selective about who's buying from them.  However, I have heard of ivy league colleges with strict entrance exams and such that filter out certain prospective students.

DW> I don't disagree here. My disagreement comes when a politician, or
DW> political party, thinks it is my responsibility to help them pay it off.
DW> :(

I understand totally.  I've wondered about this, and for countries that make college inexpensive or free for students, I've wondered if it's because their government cares about the country having a strong economy with an educated workforce.  Ever since I was a kid, I've heard things in the news that compared to other countries, students in the US falling behind in math, science, and other skills that can contribute to valuable jobs in technology and manufacturing and such, which are very important for things that people are doing these days.  It would be good to have many people knowledgeable and skilled in these areas to be able to fill local jobs and help the local economy overall.

What's worse is lately I've heard that high schools in the US have been relaxing their standards in topics such as English, math, etc., so that the schools can say they have more students passing and graduating.  If that's true, then we have more students graduting these days with lower abilities and skills than in past years.

As far as college tuition, college costs have gotten a bit ridiculous, and it would be good if the costs came down.


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