Subj : Re: Y'all or Ya'll?
To   : Dumas Walker
From : Gamgee
Date : Tue Jul 18 2023 08:23 pm

-=> Dumas Walker wrote to GAMGEE <=-

> Perhaps, but that brings up ethical questions...  Why should a loan
> company get to decide what your kid can major in?  That's none of their
> business, IMHO.  I do see your point on them wanting some say on the
> odds of them getting their money back one day, but... it's sticky.

DW> Maybe it should not be the loan company but maybe the college.  I
DW> don't know, it just seems like a lot of this could have been
DW> avoided if people were not allowed to get a useless degree that
DW> they were not going to parlay into something else (like Poly-Sci
DW> to go to Law School, or English to go to Education School, etc.).

I doubt that most colleges care, when it comes right down to it.  A
student getting a useless degree is still a paying student.  That's
really all they're interested in.

DW> It would mess up the indoctrination process, and also whatever
DW> schemes the school has going to fleece young people out of a lot
DW> of money.

Certainly.  Again, it doesn't matter what the student may be learning,
just that they are paying.

> I go back to my original statement above.  If a person decides to
> spend/borrow money to get a useless degree, that's on them.  They will
> (theoretically) have to pay back the loan regardless of what degree they
> get, and if they want to make it hard on themselves, well....  ;-)

DW> I don't disagree here.  My disagreement comes when a politician,
DW> or political party, thinks it is my responsibility to help them
DW> pay it off. :(

It's one of the most aggravating of current events that I can think of.
Absolutely infuriates me.  There is no valid or justifiable reason to be
doing it, other than a political stunt to win the votes of said students
(and/or their parents).  That's all it is.

... Diplomacy is saying 'Nice Doggy' until you find a rock.
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