Subj : Re: Microsoft
To   : hollowone
From : poindexter FORTRAN
Date : Sat Mar 25 2023 08:17 am

-=> hollowone wrote to Nightfox <=-

Ni> I used Netscape for a long time as well, and I don't remember hearing
Ni> about it being ported to Java.  And with that version of Netscape, I
Ni> don't recall needing to install the Java runtime to use it.

ho> Yeah.. I keep searching for some reference, but it seems that my mind's
ho> boggled. Apologies for confusion. But still I remember it was slow like
ho> hell, that sticks.

I don't think it was ported to Java, but Netscape devceloped Javascript
(no relation) to extend what was mostly static web sites way back when.

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