Subj : Re: Microsoft
To   : Tracker1
From : hollowone
Date : Tue Mar 21 2023 03:52 am

Tr>  Tr>> quirks these days.  NN 4.x was such hot garbage to work with.
Tr>  PF> I'm running SeaMonkey on the BBS now, feels akin to Netscape Communic
Tr>  PF> 4.x bit with a modern rendering engine.
Tr> Yeah, it was the rendering that was the biggest issue... was writing
Tr> web-ui charting and literally had to cover the entire screen when doing
Tr> so, or it would send someone into a seizure with the flickering. IIRC
Tr> NN4.07 was required support for the company I was at around 1999 or so,
Tr> as Novel was a major client and it was their "standard" browser
Tr> internally.

I think the moment when Netscape was rewritten into Java killed the adoption completely. It was NN6 if I recall. Looked fancy from UI/UX perspective as we call it today, but slow as hell and unbearable for daily use comparing to sleek IE integrated with the OS.

That was also one of the reasons for fanboyism and complaints against MSFT that there is no way browser can be so fast unless put into lower levels of the OS, which was unfair. But I believe NN fucked up implementation and choosing Java as front-end was way premature by the end of 90s.


... Xerox Alto was the thing. Anything after we use is just a copy.