Subj : Up, Up, and away, in my..
To   : Dumas Walker
From : Moondog
Date : Sun Feb 05 2023 12:01 pm

 Re: Up, Up, and away, in my..
 By: Dumas Walker to MOONDOG on Sat Feb 04 2023 10:13 am

> > I get th impression it's being left up to draw attention of other countrie
> > It's like saying to the world thta China must not have that good of satell
> > surviellance if they rely on a big balloon.Of course, they claim it is a
> > weather balloon.  No one believes that.  Shame on China.
> If you are able to fly balloons over your target, and nothing happens, why
> waste money to launch a satellite?  I have heard the weather balloon claim
> as well as that it might have been launched by a non-government entity but,
> yeah, no one believes that.
> There are supposedly now two of them.
> The weather has been very clear in some of the areas it was sighted in.
> Makes me wonder if it happens more often than we know, and it was only
> exposed because civilians noticed it this time.
>  * SLMR 2.1a * Do ministers do more than lay people?

The satellites already exist.  The idea behind drones and recon aircraft is
to  view events in real time.  That is what is screwy behind using a balloon.
It takes days if not weeks to float a ballon over the North Pole , and it's
path is victim to the weather patterns.  You would have to know of an event
well before floating a ballon with intent to capture something you couldn't
observe using satellite.

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