Subj : How far I've come...
To   : Dumas Walker
From : MRO
Date : Tue Jan 31 2023 05:22 pm

 Re: How far I've come...
 By: Dumas Walker to MRO on Tue Jan 31 2023 03:34 pm

> There were still a few die-hard pro-union workers while I was still there,
> but most of them were only in it because they had to be in order to work
> there.
> I got laid off in 1996.  The plant was closed by 2000, with only a skeleton
> sales staff left over.

i was a heat treater and the place got sold and they got laid off with very little warning.  they spaced out the layoffs, but eventually the people with the most senority were gone.

a lot of guys didn't take it so well because it was during a recession and it was almost impossible to get a job.  i hit the ground running and had another job lined up but most people didn't. one guy had a kid on the way and he came in begging for handouts.  The guy who trained me and knew everything became an even bigger alcoholic and just got drunk every single day and lived off unemployment until it ran out.  I'm pretty sure he's dead.

On the last day I actually left early and they later told me the supervisor didn't  like that and said i wouldn't be back.   NOBODY was back, not even him. fuck that motherfucker.

Years later i applied at another heat treater and the guy who interviewed me was from my old job.  he was an ass to me  and didn't give me a shot even though i could have done the work easy.  There is no real union brotherhood.

I learned at a young age to hit the ground running and work hard and keep working.  When i first got into the workforce in the 90s i saw how the jobs were going away overseas.  I saw the people crying because they had no future and didn't plan.  they stuck it out with the company even though they knew things were in trouble.

I know a lot of these guys in bbsing work office jobs and think they are better than manufacturing people like me.  They wouldn't last long mentally or physically in the stuff i've done.  I've fired college boys with no common sense many times.
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