Subj : Re: Testing the waters
To   : poindexter FORTRAN
From : Arelor
Date : Mon Dec 05 2022 12:05 pm

 Re: Re: Testing the waters
 By: poindexter FORTRAN to Mickey on Mon Dec 05 2022 06:26 am

> The US is still as politically divided, and I, for one, appreciate having a
> politics-free zone. There are certainly enough areas on Fidonet and
> othernets to get into debates (that inevitably bleed into the other areas),
> we don't need all of them to do so.

I understand why somebody would want a politics-free zone, but in practical
terms, FSXNet only seems to be it.

As I have mentioned earlier, if you follow the party line nobody will have
issue with you even if you push the boundaries. If you don't follow the party
line, the thread will be flagged as political and the subject torn down.


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