Subj : Re: Testing the waters
To   : Spaul
From : Boraxman
Date : Sat Dec 03 2022 07:41 pm

-=> Spaul wrote to All <=-

Sp> I'm not sure what the rules are here on concerning the whole
Sp> pandemic. If this type of discussion is taboo or even wanted in this
Sp> community, let me know and I won't "go there".

Sp> On the other hand BBS GypsyRyder telnet: is where anyone
Sp> intereted in this topic can join the discussion. There is a ton of info
Sp> links, videos and documentaries on this and other topics the MSM won't
Sp> cover.

Sp> What are your two cents? I won't be offended.

Sp> ---
Sp>  = Synchronet = Gypsy Ryder BBS

I dont have much to say on the pandemic itself, but it showed me that people
who are supposedly educated and class themselves as the bastions of rationality
dropped critical thinking in order to score points.  Things quickly turned into
a political crapfest where one side wanted to prove the other was
science-denying right-wing conspiracy theorists.  In order to do that, they
claimed that they represented "science", and believed that the mainstream
narrative was indeed based on the best science there was.  In order to take
this position, people refused to look that perhaps state actors were using this
as an opportunity to control the population, that perhaps Big Pharma might put
money over safety and efficacy.  People lost any sense of scepticism so they
could portray themselves as being with the 'narrative', which was seen as
science and progress.

I'm not going to comment on the vaccines specifically, but I think other social
motives took root, and bad information was flowing over all facets of any
debate and discussion.

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