Subj : FSXNet
To   : Nightfox
From : MRO
Date : Fri Dec 02 2022 12:28 pm

 Re: FSXNet
 By: Nightfox to MRO on Fri Dec 02 2022 09:40 am

> There was actually some talk about creating a politics echo on FSXNet, but I
> don't think they created one.  I remember some people posting that they
> thought it would be difficult to stay away from politics in the other echos,
> as many topics tend to get into politics at some point.
> I don't read FSXNet all the time, so I may have missed the thing about some
> messages being deleted.  But even if some messages are deleted on one
> system, I'd think the messages would still exist on other systems if they've
> already downloaded those messages?

i think the drama went farther than that.  i dont give a shit. i remember them posting about it on zeronet a few years back.

if someone posts about politics you just move the msg to the right echo.
i think avon talked about killing msgs before they were sent out, but other shit happened too.  anyways, seems like a lame net.

like i said, they should just make one network out of a bunch of nets.
eli did that with acenet or whatever it was called.  if you don't like what someone is saying , twitfilter them.  we're all sysops and we can do that or people that use offline readers can do it.

it's not rocket science and there's so few of us left.
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