Subj : FSXNet
To   : MRO
From : Nightfox
Date : Fri Dec 02 2022 09:40 am

 Re: Testing the waters
 By: MRO to HusTler on Fri Dec 02 2022 10:56 am

MR> well it's his msg network, he can do what he wants with it.
MR> I don't know why people would want to have censorship if it's not for
MR> preventing abusive damaging stuff to the network. like he could have a
MR> politics area and you only discuss politics there.

There was actually some talk about creating a politics echo on FSXNet, but I don't think they created one.  I remember some people posting that they thought it would be difficult to stay away from politics in the other echos, as many topics tend to get into politics at some point.

I don't read FSXNet all the time, so I may have missed the thing about some messages being deleted.  But even if some messages are deleted on one system, I'd think the messages would still exist on other systems if they've already downloaded those messages?


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