Subj : Testing the waters
To   : MRO
From : Spaul
Date : Thu Dec 01 2022 04:04 pm

 Re: Testing the waters
 By: MRO to Arelor on Wed Nov 30 2022 11:58 pm

Thanks for the reply. It is refreshing to know that this is an open minded board. I know that everyone is sick to death of this topic but I just wanted to see if I might some grief about even bringing it up.

You are correct about FSXNET. That was the BBS I originally set up only to find the sysop shutting down anything releated to other opinions about the pandemic. I guess he had his reasons.

To be honest, synchronet was 10 times easier to set up. Once I sorted out the port issues I was getting, I was up and running in no time.

Looking forward to participating on the board. I have many other interests so I might be hitting people up on more techy questions. Cheers!

� Synchronet � Gypsy Ryder BBS