Subj : Microsoft
To   : Moondog
From : Nightfox
Date : Wed Oct 12 2022 09:56 pm

 Re: Re: Russia's Endgame
 By: Moondog to MRO on Wed Oct 12 2022 05:57 pm

Mo> My understanding is the earliest version of Win95 shipped without any form
Mo> of browser, and Netscape's browser was the clear successor. By shipping IE
Mo> with the OS, it gave IE a clear advanrage because most basic users would
Mo> use what the OS shipped with. Same applied with taking business away from
Mo> the media player software manufacturers. The most software publishers, it

Not only did later versions of Windows include Internet Explorer, Microsoft claimed it was integrated into Windows in such a way that it would be difficult to remove it.  That was back when (I think) Microsoft was using sneaky tactics to try to corner the market.  Microsoft also made IE behave a bit differently (in a non-standard way) than other web browsers, so by the time IE gained a lot of marketshare, some web sites pretty much worked only with IE.


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